Friday, August 31, 2007
Anywho, as I'm doing 10 pounds of laundry tonight (Eric's about to change clothing sizes which requires all sorts of washing, sorting, and packing), I notice a lumpy pocket in the shorts Evan wore today. Expecting a car, plastic animal, doll hairbrush, ball, or one of the other usual suspects, imagine my surprise to pull out a rubber glove. ??? I hope the teachers were practicing good hygiene at lunch, because I don't want to think about what careers they might have been discussing during circle time :-)
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Where are my pants?
Me: Did you take these out of the plastic already?
Him: Nope, I just put everything the closet.
Me: So these weren't in the dry cleaning you just brought home?
Him: No.
Me: So they've been hanging here since the last time you got dry cleaning?
Him: I guess so.
Me: Let me get this straight. I've been complaining about having to wear the same 2 pairs of pants for 2 weeks, thinking the rest of my pants were in the dry cleaning bag, and all this time they've been hanging in your closet?
Him: Ummm...
Evan's new joke
I don't understand it, but it cracks me up every time :-)
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
How to hug
Instructions for properly hugging a baby.
1. First, spy a baby.

2. Second, be sure that the object you spied was indeed a baby by employing classic sniffing techniques. If you smell baby powder and the wonderful aroma of wet diapers this is indeed a baby.

3. Next you will need to flatten the baby before actually beginning the hugging process.

4. The 'paw slide'. Simply slide paws around baby and prepare for possible close-up.

5. Finally, if a camera is present, you will need to execute the difficult and patented 'hug, smile, and lean' so as to achieve the best photo quality.

Dogs, if this is properly done, it will secure you a warm, dry, climate-controlled environment for the rest of your life.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
The world's longest birthday party
1. If you have to publish an itinerary on the invitation, there's too much going on.
2. A dinosaur show and princess/magician/balloon maker/storyteller in one party is waaaay too much for one party.
3. I'm so glad I have boys and do not have to worry about hosting a princess-themed party.
4. When the party starts at 11:30 AM, cake should be served well before 2:30 PM (I'm not even sure it was served by this time, because Evan and I left before then).
5. When hosting a party for a group of kids that are used to nap/quiet time from 1-3 PM, the party should not still be going on at 2:30 PM.
6. If more dads than moms show up at the party, remember to send dad next year.
7. As long as the kids have fun, nothing else really matters ;-)

Friday, August 24, 2007
Peach or watermelon?
Tomorrow is football draft day and a kids birthday party in the stifling heat. At least it's not for the 'friend' from earlier today :-)
Thursday, August 23, 2007
That's gotta be a typo
Sunday, August 19, 2007
"Thank you" goes to new levels
Hitched without a hitch
I love this picture...too bad they wouldn't let the bridesmaids pick Chris up...
oh wait, there were only 2 of us :-)
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Pretty in Pink
And the one shirt was practically brand new. Damn!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Out damn spot!!
Kickboxing observations
Anyway, observations from today's class:
It's the first time I've had a thought in my head that motivated me to pound the crap out of my reflection in the mirror. Not even my old boss (who caused the 1st of my gray hairs to appear) gave me that kind of motivation.
Why does the girl at the front of the class who re-does her hair 6 times during the class not care about the mascara running down her face? You're all ready sweaty and gross, why not take a quick swipe with the back of your hand?
How does someone who appears to be wearing 4 shirts and long pants not break a sweat? I sweat just walking up to the room...
I thought I had more, but the adrenaline rush has gone :-(
Weekend zzzz's
Saturday Ethan left us to go get battered and bruised in a game of paintball, so I took the boys to go see Evan's "best girlfriend Caitlyn." That's really what he calls her, it is the cutest thing to hear. Eric likes her too, so hopefully that doesn't cause problems later in life ;-)
Saturday night Evan and I had a date night with Aimee, Toni, and Toni's little boy Riley. Both boys managed to fall out of their booster seats (no injuries, no more booster seat for Evan either), and kudos to Aimee for bringing Color Wonder markers/books for the boys. How did she know that Rio Grande wasn't going to have coloring books and crayons???
Sunday we enjoyed the outdoors before it got too hot (although it never got too bad), then Eric went for a haircut (#2!) while Evan played in the sprinkler. After lunch, EVERYONE took a long nap...over an hour for Mom/Evan and over 3 hours for Dad/Eric. I guess not being on vacation finally caught up with us :-)
Not much else to report...rotisserie chickens on the grill for dinner, followed by bath night for the boys and an early night to bed (as if all that napping wasn't enough!).
Thursday, August 9, 2007
First lasagna, THEN corn
In the end, everyone ate lasagna and then corn. But I'm not sure it was worth the effort :-)
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
There's no place like home!
I know I was happy to be home, and I think Ethan was too...Evan seemed a little disappointed to have to sleep in a twin size bed in a room all by himself and Eric, well, who knows what had him screaming his head off a little before midnight. You think the kid would be happy to stretch out in a big crib after a week of being scrunched into a pack-n-play like a butterfly trying to get out of its cocoon, but I guess not!
Today is laundry and email day, as there is lots of both to catch up on. Thanks to all our hosts, hostesses, and anyone in general who provided good company along the trip. If we recover from this one, we'll have to do it again sometime ;-)
But I'll keep blogging, because there's still stories to tell!
Monday, August 6, 2007
Fast Food Blunders
On the trip down I had not 1, but 2 episodes where I ordered a drink, and the cashier didn't hear me, so I had to re-order.
Last night I spent 10 minutes in the McD's drive thru...thinking the debit card was just going to be too complex, I paid cash. Well, cash requires change which requires a little bit of a brain, and this girl didn't even have that. As I finally made it to the food window, I received something noy even close to my order and spent 5 more minute waiting for another brainless person to figure that out. For the record, I don't think a cheeseburger and fries is all that tough to put into a bag!
And today we got fries where there should have been yogurt, no fries where there should have been fries (imagine trying to get that one straightened out!) and mayo where there shouldn't have been.
Less than 7 hours to go...
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Kids table comes full circle
I won't say what goes on at the kids table--I'd like to be invited back :-)
Ok, enough with the pictures
Friday Night Lights
After a busy morning on the beach and some splashing in the pool in the afternoon, it was time to get the party started...I love little boys in matching outfits...I love it even more when they magically sit down next to each other and you just happen to have a camera in your hand :-)
Friday night was the 'welcome dinner' to kick off Dan & Lisa's wedding festivities, and it was a great start...everything about the food, music, and atmosphere made for a great time. Weather was a little threatening, but they had planned ahead with huge tents and hundreds (thousands?) of lights everyone could enjoy the outdoor party. I think the favorite part (for all the parents) was the section devoted to kid's activities--decorating crafts, a magic show, balloon animals, having caricatures drawn. They even had their own menu (although some adults enjoyed that as much as the grown-up food).
Plenty of fun for the adults too, mostly in the form of tasty drinks, good company, and a live band (they even gave lessons on the 'Electric Slide' for the groom-t0-be!)
Some pictures of the older 'kids'...
And the grown-ups (well, they're older than the kids, at least)...
Hats off to the host and hostess...I'm especially impressed how relaxed they look with everything going on this weekend!
Friday, August 3, 2007
Different day, different beach
Evan continues to work on his wave jumping skills:
Eric just can't get enough of the sand...especially after he dumped his bag of Teddy Grahams onto the ground and, in an effort to keep him from eating them, I buried them. Silly Mommy. After that, it was time to call it a day (morning).
Looking forward to some pool time this afternoon (love the pool...2 waterfalls and a bar...what's not to love?) and then visiting with more relatives today. Hopefully all the rain has passed over, because it's supposed to be one heck of a (outdoor) party!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
On the road again
Anyway, we've re-started the drive south and estimated to arrive in Jax Beach around 4 PM.
Miscellaneous thoughts:
Cost of renting a minivan for a week - cheaper than 4 plane tickets
Cargo space in the minivan - less than the Avalanche
Having a rear seat that reclines so BOTH kids take a nap - priceless!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Should've stuck to Uncle Ed's advice
What he failed to mention is that (some) drivers require at least as much attention/help as the children.
My Hubby, My Hero
Ethan was out on the deck, talking on the phone to his buddy Dan about their new baby girl (Sage Augustine) and suddenly came running inside, down the steps and across the street. An older couple were staying there and the chair broke right out from under the guy...when he fell, he was blocking the door, but Ethan and Ted were able to pop the screen out to get him back on his feet. Everything worked out okay, but I doubt that couple spent any more time on the deck :-) Good save hubby!