Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Christmas keeps getting earlier and earlier...

I realized yesterday that the Christmas season is here and in full swing. I knew it was coming as the Christmas trees and decorations gradually started taking over the Halloween aisles of Michaels and Target. I realized it was getting close as the toy catalogs started arriving in the mail. But yesterday...yesterday it seemed to fully arrive. I realized that the soft rock radio stations had converted to 24 hours of Christmas music (seriously? it's not even Thanksgiving!!). And I especially realized it as I spent 20 minutes going through the 2 traffic lights that get past the mall. Yes, for me, the start of the Christmas season is when it takes longer to drive than it would to walk somewhere in our area. So, just counting the number of working days (I have) left in the year, there are 16 chances that:
  • I will spend well over an hour driving the 1 mile route home from daycare
  • I will leave the car at daycare and pile the kids in the stroller to walk home (note to self, put double stroller and tennis shoes in the truck)
  • We will eat Blimpies for dinner, since there is one in the same building as daycare
  • I will have to pay 50 cents to exit on the toll road because traffic will be so jammed at the next exit with people trying to get to the mall
On the up side, I only have 16 working days left in the year!! And that includes today!!


  1. Nice on the 16 working days... I have 20 :)

    Ugh on being so close to the mall...

  2. I have to count...hold on..I have 18 and two of them are half days! I agree on the mall - but GOOD shopping there!

  3. I have 6 more full days of classes until Christmas-- including finals!

    "The Christmas Story" is making it's seasonal premiere on Sunday at on TNT :-)

  4. I try not to watch 'The Christmas Story' until Christmas Eve...otherwise the novelty might wear off and I might not be able to watch it 6 times on Christmas Day :-)
