Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Just a good day...

Some days are just good...nothing special, nothing planned, but everything just turns out right. Today was one of those days (and I didn't do any shopping!).

It was my co-worker Jen's birthday (same girl who webbed my cube on Halloween), so it was time for a little payback fun. Over the course of the day, she had her cube decorated, 'happy birthday' sung by a group of 60+ people, a surprise cake, and some margaritas to close things out. Good times.

After a stop at home to talk to a contractor about some potential kitchen/bathroom renovations and kiss all the boys, I headed back out to meet my mom for dinner. Can't go wrong with a little crab soup at Legal Seafoods!!

Sometimes dinner with mom is dinner with MOM, and sometimes it's like dinner with an old friend...that was tonight, which was nice. We chatted about work and cars and Christmas and other things we both like to talk about :-) And when I came home and checked in on Evan, he asked "Mom, did you have a nice time with GG?" tantrums about not being able to go, he was just as adorable as can be.

Today was just one of those good days!