Saturday, August 2, 2008

Video time

A couple of videos from our beach trip...

Eric made up a very entertaining game we called 'Mommy Toes'...he was so entertained by it, I almost didn't mind burying my own toes in the sand over and over. And over.

Evan kept himself amused while Ethan did some shopping in an upscale clothing can probably hear that Eric is NOT amused about being stuck in his stroller to keep his little hands off of some very expensive items.


  1. Hello. This is Jake AKA The Muter. I noticed that below you completed one of my past missions. I've come to your site to ask if you would like to join. It it VERY simple. Just click here and follow the instructions. Once when you join, your blog will be featured on the member's list and you may get more viewer's to your blog.

    Hope you join!
    -The Muter

  2. HA. I LOVE the dancing!
    He's going to be a heartbreaker with moves like that!!
