Saturday, December 29, 2007
Printer mystery
I open my computer for the first time today and find in my history that I have in fact visited Amazon today and it looks like I have bought a printer. Ethan suggests someone has hacked into my account, but seeing as how the order was placed from my laptop, it seems a little strange.
And then light bulb in my brain turns on. Evan was downstairs this morning by himself, eating breakfast and watching the Disney channel. I ask him if he was using my computer and he confirms he was trying to send a message to Nicholas. Apparently he bought us a printer instead :-)
Fortunately it wasn't too expensive and we have free shipping. Unfortunately, it's not one that we want, so as soon as the box arrives, I will be shipping it back to Amazon. Not sure how to handle the problem of Evan randomly clicking on my computer when I'm not watching him...
Friday, December 28, 2007
Now that Christmas is over...
On the up side of post-Christmas shopping, I am happy to say that I will not need to purchase any gift wrap for next Christmas (and probably the Christmas after that). The jackpot was so big at Walmart that Ethan sent me back to get some more already-decorated gift boxes because he's, well, gift wrap challenged. And let all my readers be witnesses, he has promised to only use scotch tape on these boxes (not masking or duct or any other kind of packing/painting tape), and he will not use excessive amounts so that the boxes can actually be re-used.
Tree is un-decorated and waiting to go outside, the toy corner has been put back together, and the trash men finally came to take away a weeks worth of trash that spanned almost the entire width of our house. Clearly Santa needs to get a trash truck to attach to the back of his sled instead of leaving all the boxes at our house ;-)
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Things that make me laugh
Life is good.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
It's ooooo-ver
I lost my blogging mojo because of all the interruptions...maybe later. When it's quiet ;-)
Christmas notes
- Evan singing "You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch" during Christmas Eve mass when no one else was singing. Luckily he was pretty quiet about it.
- Eric letting out one heck of a scream during the opening prayer while I frantically dug through my purse with a free hand for a pacifier. Thankfully I was not saying anything out loud while I did this, the frantic words all stayed in my head.
- Evan waking up at 7:02 (after going to bed over an hour late) because he "just wanted to check and see if there were any presents under the tree." He discovered there were "a hundred"
- "Santa" calling on Christmas Eve and Evan saying "Hi Pop-pop!"
- Cole leaving some presents under the tree for us when we got home from Christmas Eve dinner. They were not good presents. Cole spent Christmas Eve outside watching for Santa and the reindeer.
- Eric telling Ethan "Daddy, get down!" because Ethan kept sitting in Eric's new chair.
- Evan putting Buck's bone in the refrigerator while they went to take a nap (guess he was worried it would go bad like a glass of milk?)

Saturday, December 22, 2007
Mommy's Little Santa Helper
Are we having fun yet?
Friday, December 21, 2007
Just the way it goes some times
So this morning we head back to the doctor who very clearly said to come back if he wasn't feeling better by Friday, and camped outside the office for clinic hours. Clinic opens at 8; we were #3 in line at 7:40. Amazingly enough, same doctor is there (and having a much better day), so at least I didn't have to re-explain things too much. Bottom line is, even though he's on antibiotics, Eric has developed an ear infection in the OTHER ear. So we get some heavy duty drugs (let's hear it for the Z-pack!) and are on our way home.
Ethan and Evan are headed to Hershey Park, so I think Eric and I are going to take a vacation afternoon/evening and watch some crap TV, order a pizza, and have a glass or two of our respective purple juices before the busy pre-Christmas weekend gets underway!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
He's a mean one, Mister Grinch
Evan: But if someone stole our Christmas, we would be very sad
Me: A little, but you would still have all your family and friends, so you wouldn't be too sad. You'd still have Mom and Dad and Eric and Grandma and Pop-pop and GG and Grampy and Aunt B and Uncle Tom (I'm sure there was more)
Evan: And my cousins?
Me: Yes, and your cousins.
Evan (with a big grin): Oh, okay. Yeah that would be good.
Saturday night we were coming home from a party and again Evan brings up the Grinch and the fact that he steals Christmas, but everyone is still happy because they have their family. And Ethan tells Evan not to worry, because no one is going to steal his Christmas. And I ask Ethan what he would do on the extremely off-chance our hose was robbed on Christmas Eve. Ethan suggested maybe we shouldn't watch the Grinch anymore.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Our appointment was with our favorite doctor...she joined the practice around the time Eric was born and she was the on-call doctor when he was in the hospital with jaundice and extremely calming and helpful, which is why we like her. Also a very funny lady; she's like a female version of Ethan and normally I have trouble following her random train of thought during a visit while Ethan knows exactly what she's talking about and why. Anyway, today seemed to be an 'off' day for her and during the course of the visit she opened a drawer 3 times to look for the prescription pad that was sitting right in front of her (and she had been writing on), put one prescription back in the drawer (still attached to the pad) and threw another one in the trash. As she got up to leave, I asked her for the prescriptions and she looked at me as though I was nuts, until I mentioned maybe she had thrown one away (I thought she changed her mind about what to give him). Poor lady, she apologized numerous times and re-wrote the one that fell in the trash even though it was sitting on top of Eric's drooled-on tissue on the top of the pile.
Oh well, doctors are people too!
I'm at home today, if that wasn't obvious. Work is quiet (finally), but not so quiet that I've decided to start watching the Disney Channel over the internet :-)
Eric and I are at home, as his cold has finally reached the point where he shouldn't go to daycare. Maybe an ear infection, but unfortunately the first appointment the doctor's office has is for 3:30 this afternoon. I guess potential ear infections don't rank that high up on the list to get the earlier appointments...oh well. In the meantime, he is being a super sweetheart and snuggling in our bed with me watching TV while I do a little work.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Monday notes
Ethan said he went with a pre-cut tree for the sake of our marriage...if Eric and I had not been waiting in the car, he would have dragged Evan across all 7 acres looking for the perfect tree. Uh money says they would have made it 1/2 an acre before Evan convinced him to turn around :-)
Including today, I have THREE working days left this year!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Chocolate Cheese Fudge
Chocolate Cheese Fudge
Paula Deen - Ellen Show from Friday
1/2 pound Velveeta cheese, sliced
1 cup (2 sticks) butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup chopped nuts
Two 16-ounce packages confectioner's sugar
1/2 cup cocoa
1. Melt cheese and butter together over medium heat in saucepan.
2. Remove from heat, add vanilla and nuts.
3. Sift together sugar and cocoa in large bowl. Add cheese mixture. Use hands for final mixing!
4. Remove candy from bowl with hands and roll into balls. Add skewers.
5. Refrigerate for 30 minutes and enjoy!
And if you don't like it, then something is wrong with you. I'm not a big sweets eater, but I have to take this stuff into work just to get it away from me!!
The winter storm that wasn't
Saturday afternoon - nothing
Saturday night - zippy
Sunday morning - rained for a while
Sunday noon - sun comes out
It's currently dry, but very windy and we're fully prepared for the power to go out because 1) it's blinked several times and 2) our power always goes out when it gets really windy even though the people down the street from us never lose their power.
So we wait and see...
Oh Christmas tree...
Saturday morning we set out on the tree cutting adventure. Ethan is wearing Evan's Lightening McQueen hat because he can't find any of his hats (somehow he always directs this comment to me as though I have something to do with the missing hats). We all get our coats on and wait for Ethan to clear out the back of his truck. And take the covers off the truck. And look up directions to the tree farm. As I'm ready to strip off coats, we finally leave and Eric promptly falls asleep. A little while later, we arrive at the pumpkin patch, put instead of pumpkins, there are trees. Already cut trees. Hmmmm...while Evan pushes buttons from the backseat, Ethan madly searches on the Treo for the magical forest where we will cut down our own tree. Luckily, it's not far, and we arrive before Ethan and I both lose our minds.
I'll shorten the rest of the story to say Eric and I had no patience to walk around 7 acres of trees to find something and ended up going back to the truck to eat animal crackers and Cheerios. Evan and Ethan returned a little while later with a beautiful tree that they did NOT cut down themselves.
Maybe next year :-)
Dear Santa
- A "Mr. BuhKing toy" (I hope this means the 'King' from Cars, because that's what he's getting)
- A new bone for Buck (dammit! again?)
- TWO tattoos (this is not my fault, he actually witnessed Ethan getting his tattoo)--one of #36 Brian Westbrook, and one #80 for Kevin Curtis
- A really cool race car book
- A really really really REALLY big jet--and a rocket ship
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Christmas Meme
I was tagged by Emily
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
Bigger fan of using (and re-using!) gift bags, but I use both.
2. Real tree or artificial? the smell!
3. When do you put up the tree?
Early-mid December (it's not up yet, too much partying this past weekend!)
4.When do you take the tree down?
Around New specific date.
5. Do you like eggnog?
In very small quantities...too sweet for me!
6. Favorite gift received as a child?
Tough one...I don't know if there was a favorite, but the one I remember the best was a robot.
7. Do you have a nativity scene?
Thanks to cousin Teresa, an adorable Little People one showed up this afternoon.
8. Easiest person to buy for?
The little boyz
9. Hardest person to buy for?
My mother!
10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
I have never been a victim of the pink bunny pajamas, thank goodness...
11. Mail or e-mail Christmas cards? else will I use all the return address labels?
12. Favorite Christmas movie?
A Christmas Story. I watch it once on Christmas Eve and at least twice on Christmas Day.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?
Whenever I see something that would make a good gift but it's after the person's birthday.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
For dinner? Steak!
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree?
17. Favorite Christmas song?
Christmas Shoes
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home?
Stay at home. And no visitors until after 12.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen. And Rudolph, of course. Did I get them all?
20. Angel on the tree top, or a star?
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
1 or 2 on Christmas Eve, depending on how persuasive Ethan is being :-)
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year?
Traffic around the mall
23. What I love most about Christmas?
Christmas morning and seeing everyone excited about their gifts and the fact that it's Christmas!
24. Church early or late Christmas Eve (midnight or 7pm service?) or not at all?
Christmas Eve afternoon
25 Have you ever NOT burned yourself when doing the candle thing at church?
Candle thing?
I tag Beth, Petra, Bri, and anyone else that reads this. Maybe some of my silent readers will even post :)
1. I have no meetings today that cause me to spend large amounts of time away from my desk
2. The shoes are very dark-colored
3. My pants are very long
4. I was thinking of leaving early anyway to pick up Eric because he looked absolutely miserable last night and this morning
I normally take my shoes into the bathroom in the morning just to make sure I have a matching pair, but for whatever reason that didn't happen today. Lesson learned :-)
Monday, December 10, 2007
Party wrap-up
Anyway, after happily finding all of my party supplies at Costco on Friday, Ethan "made me" put lights up around the house (I actually love doing it, but the 2 nights of partying had me a little run down) and Evan was so excited about it that he convinced me to put up lights inside too. Amazing how the energy of a 4 year old can spread to others--if only there was a way to bottle it!! So the house looked lovely, I had all of my favorite foods (crab dip, salsa dip, meatballs, smoked salmon, to name a few) and some reliable party beverages. And the stories begin.
Apparently my co-workers thought the 'green stinks' translation of my license plate meant I was some sort of anti-environmental person. And, even funnier, some of our neighbors thought that Ethan's 'go green' meant that he was all for doing things the greener way. In his gas-guzzling truck. So it made for a funny story when all the pieces fell into place and everyone realized our license plates have nothing to do with the environment.
Ethan should sell coffee machines, or at least get commission for his sales job of our Keurig. One person bought one on Sunday morning and another is planning on purchasing it as a Christmas gift. Seriously, commission. And even though I don't drink coffee, I know this thing rocks because it keeps Ethan from spending mass quantities of money at Starbucks on a daily basis :-)
We received a gift of an awesome smelling basil (I think) candle. I'm not a big candle person, mostly because I always have to remember to blow them out before leaving the house, but I do enjoy them from time to time. Ethan LOVES candles. It ranks up there with chocolate and ice cream, I think. He likes the basil canlde so much that he was rubbing his fingers through the wax and then sniffing them. He tried to compare it to ChapStick--ChapStick!! Anyway, since he's standing here distracting me from writing, I needed to include something to embarrass him.
Spoiled? Maybe just a little...
"Spoiled?" the mom asks. "Why, did somebody call you that?"
"No," replies the daughter, "somebody called you that."
And then mom and daughter both have a very satisfying look on their face as they cruise along the road. This is me.I haven't entered a cold vehicle in over a week now. If I realize I have forgotten to warm it up, I find something else I need to do in the house just so I won't have to go sit on a cold leather seat. I am so darn comfortable driving to work that I had to crack the window and turn up the radio so I wouldn't fall asleep. My children are happy in the car and have not shed a single tear when in it (even though Eric has been feeling miserable). Yes, I am spoiled. And proud of it.
Zoom zoom :-)
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Friday doctors and comparison shopping
After Thursday's party adventure (if you play the video on this link, you will see 3 shadowy figures on the right side of the screen when they're doing the interview--one of those is me!! Totally lost my train of thought.
Friday I had to start the day by parting with my beautiful new truck (no longer held hostage in a Silver Spring garage) to get the new radio installed which stunk because it was icy and rainy and they gave me a tiny little car to drive. I met up with Ethan and Eric at the doctor's office where we waited for close to 2 hours to find out Eric does NOT have another ear infection, and the endless crankiness is probably just a cold. Thank goodness for infant Tylenol and the fact that his recurring allergy/eczema problems gives us a permanent antihistamine prescription which makes sleep possible. So Eric gets shuttled back to daycare and I take my crappy (but free) loaner car to test out a trial membership at BJs.
I love Costco. BJs was a horrible experience and I hope to never have to go back again. The people were mean, they didn't carry the necessary ingredients for my crab dip, there were no free samples (at noon on Friday!) and their cash registers are as mean as the people. After 1 1/2 hours of shopping and browsing, having a checkout lane shut down literally before my very eyes and a rude employee telling me I should "take my chances" using it again, I left a cart full of refrigerated/frozen items and told them I was going back to Costco. I was in and out of Costco in 30 minutes with everything I needed and the cashier even wished me a Merry Christmas. I love Costco.
I returned to the dealership to stalk them for my truck and am happy to say I will never need to go there again (there's another dealership closer to my house, not that I use them unless it's warranty work). The service manager was swarmy...he was more swarmy than the guy who SOLD me the truck.
The day ended on a good note though...I had another party with some different co-workers and things were much quieter and the only time I had to go outside was to get in my beautiful truck at the end of the night. I love my truck...
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Now THAT'S a party!
After the hysteria wore off and I finally stopped laughing, I was able to tell the whole story. While having a fantastic time socializing with my co-workers at our holiday party at a local Irish pub, the owner came around to inform us the building was being evacuated. No, seriously, put down your drinks and get the hell out. But not before you pay your tab (which I didn't realize I had since the waitress was just delivering beverages right and left, thought one of the managers had picked up the tab or something) and no they will not give us "to go" cups for the drinks we ordered 3 minutes ago (hey, it was worth asking!). Another mom and I wander outside, a little miffed that our night off (from being moms) has been cut short, when we find some other co-workers who direct us to a restaurant up the street. A decent crowd from party destination #1 has migrated to party destination #2, but after a few people get drinks, we are informed that this building is also being evacuated. Sunova! And my brand-new lovely truck is parked in the garage attached to the street that has been blocked off!!
Some quick thinking results in party destination #3, a Mexican restaurant that has less than great service during happy hour events and they give some lip as 10 of us pile in there asking for a table. Attitudes quickly change when we say the entire downtown area has been evacuated because of a 'suspicious package' and this is the closest restaurant. They kindly offer us their private room which we happily take (thankfully, a manager has picked up a round of drinks by now, seeing as how some people have purchased 2 drinks they were not allowed to finish). The party continues and was, I think, even better since we have bonded over 3 bars and a 1o minute walk in the cold. There is a 'boom' at some point which we learn (thanks to an adventurous team member) is the bomb squad blowing up the suspicious package/bag (I kid you not, it was on the news!). I was finally able to get my beautiful truck out of the garage and enjoy the rest of the night.
How's that for an interesting party??
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Update: I finally left the house at 10:15 and got to work around 11. Drive was okay, but the worst part is I had to leave my truck with the valet in our parking garage and I better not find any scratches on it when I get back!!
**The valet is for the physical therapist office in our building, but when there are not monthly spaces left, we also have to use it. I am not so spoiled that I use valet parking on a regular basis ;-)
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Loving the truck, but not the wind!!
So last night I was somewhat convinced my children had switched bodies. Evan was all fidgety and complaining he didn't like meatballs while Eric sat perfectly happy in his high chair eating all his dinner. True, he was eating it with his hands and making a horrible mess, but at least he wasn't screaming and trying to throw himself out of the chair. Evan went to his room to think about things after laying his head on the table with his eyes closed and tongue hanging out of his mouth, and thankfully came back 'normal.' And then he asked if we could have steak, mashed potatoes w/cheese, and salad for dinner tomorrow (today). And I would like to do that because it sounds like a wonderful dinner but it's too windy to grill!! Not to mention I love steak and mashed potatoes and salad ;-)
Sidebar: it's really not too windy to grill, but Ethan does all the grilling around here and he would have needed to be home 15 minutes ago to have a chance in heck of having steaks cooked by dinnertime with all the wind out there.
So we're stuck with lasagna out of a box and hopefully tomorrow will be a grill-worthy day. But my new truck handles bee-yoo-tee-full-y in the wind and I barely even noticed. And I could talk on the phone and that person couldn't tell either.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Why must there always be another option?
I'm starting to think that men did not have to take multiple choice tests in school. Because, if they did, then whenever I said "do you want option A or option B?" they would not suggest something else!! And this is not limited to my husband, I frequently run into this situation at work as well. I've even slipped and said something to the effect of "typical man" when one of my clients requested something that was not one of the original options, but thankfully he was in a good mood that day and responded with "hey, I could have asked for ALL of the options."
Woo hoo! 9 hours until I drive again!!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Zoom zoom!
BUT, the week did close out on a fantastic note. After months of researching and drooling and a week of haggling, I got my new wheels!! No pictures yet, because Evan is literally hanging onto my arm right now, but I love it!! Maxda CX-9 in a beautiful shade of Stormy Blue with all sorts of bells and whistles. Did I mention I love it? And we got a great price? Last day of the month is a great day to buy a car!!
All the bosses are back next week, so I should have some time to post :-) And I have to go because apparently I'm messing up the quacks (according to Evan).