Sunday, December 16, 2007

Dear Santa

Never ask a 4 year old what he wants for Christmas when you have already finished shopping. And, if you do make the mistake of asking, do not continue to encourage him to add more items to the list (I didn't do this, by the way...I know better). But here's the list:

  • A "Mr. BuhKing toy" (I hope this means the 'King' from Cars, because that's what he's getting)
  • A new bone for Buck (dammit! again?)
  • TWO tattoos (this is not my fault, he actually witnessed Ethan getting his tattoo)--one of #36 Brian Westbrook, and one #80 for Kevin Curtis
  • A really cool race car book
  • A really really really REALLY big jet--and a rocket ship
So, it seems Santa has a little more work to do. Although Eric is getting an airplane toy, so maybe that will qualify as the really big jet??

1 comment:

  1. Aubrey told Santa yesterday she wanted a dolphin, Santa said, oh, a toy dolphin, Aubrey said No, a REAL dolphin.

    Thank you Santa for saying, "well, in that case I have to talk to mommy and daddy and all your grandparents and aunts and uncles and make sure it is OK and dolphins need a lot of care so I will see if I can bring a toy dolphin!".
