Saturday, February 2, 2008

Day 33 - A deal of a day!!

Ethan called me at work yesterday to share a mix of news:

The bad - the blender had died. It was smoking and seemed to be melting.

The good - he got the best damn pomegranate smoothie out of it before it croaked

We estimated the blender had lasted at least 3 years, which isn't too bad considering he uses it a pretty good amount, especially during workout times. And it does a good enough job to keep me from 'needing' the Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker. For now anyway. At some point my mother will get tired of hers, right? ;-)

So we decide to stick with the same brand of blender (Cuisinart) and opt for a slightly different style, but it's essentially the same as the old one with a kick-ass motor. Bed Bath and Beyond has it on their website, so I head to the store with one of many 20% off coupons.

No blender.

Linens n Things did NOT have the blender on their website, but I head over there anyway because they usually have a good selection of stuff (better than BBB). Ta-da! They have the blender! For $30 more. Argh. Ethan sends me the BBB link so I can pull up the price on my phone and I head to the cash register and make my case. The guy rings it up and it actually is the same price as the BBB one, so that was a waste of an argument. BUT. Because I brought my business to LNT instead of BBB, he knocks another $10 off the price, and then gives me the 20% off (they always take the coupon). Sweet!!

It gets better.

I headed to Giant to pick up some things for a Superbowl party tomorrow and to take advantage of a 'spend $20 on sour cream and pizza and get $7 towards your next order.' I don't get my $7 (I think I technically only spent $19.98 before taxes, which may have something to do with it). Since I'm a self-checkout kind of girl, I head to customer service with my receipt and the weekly ad. The guy gives the receipt a quick glance, opens his register, and presents me with $7. Double sweet!!

I ordered a new laptop last night and today Ethan got a gift card in the mail for the same company (he bought a new laptop a few months ago). They will not apply the gift card to my already made purchase, and Ethan is trying to convince me to cancel and re-place the order so I can use the gift card (no penalty for doing this). I keep asking him what kind of deal he's going to give me :-)

Evan and his smoothie mustache (or 'soobie', as he used to call them)


  1. you are quite the deal finder...I'm good - but you are WONDERWOMAN!

  2. NICE! I don't have that kind of energy or purpose :)
