Made rounds the post office and Staples to mail a few things and return Evan's printer, did a few things around the house, and took Eric to Target while Ethan and Evan went to swim class--for Evan, not Ethan :-)
After lunch, everyone CRASHED. I fell asleep on Evan's bed while snuggling with him at naptime. I had plans to go to the wine tasting at one of our local wine shops, but woke up too late...seriously, did 3 days of work/daycare make us that sleep deprived?
After nap we enjoyed a nice family snack of salsa dip and chips which, even though it's probably not the healthiest thing, the fact that everyone spent 20 minutes around the table eating and enjoying everyone's company made it well worth it--probably even added nutritional value! More house stuff and the boys tuned into football while I got dinner ready and did some shopping planning--I am determined to shop at CVS tomorrow without spending any money--we'll see how it goes.
Since it was such a sleepy day, here's some of my favorite sleeping shots.
Who says cats and dogs can't live in harmony?
Only a boy could pull this off...

Sounds like a perfect day to me :) And salsa has LOTS of veggies!